Backblast! soccer and more
AO: Clarion
Q: Michael Johnson (Sauerkraut)
PAX: PANCAKE , Iverson (Jerod), American Dad, Hubert ( Travis), Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), Kubota (Brandon Long), Kung Fu Panda, Nailz (Josh Nichols), Ni hao, Tarzan, Stryper (Clay), Hulka (Don Connelly), dilly dilly, poe
FNGs: None
Count: 15
WARMUP: Good mornings, side straddle hops, Imperial walkers, Runners stretch
THE THANG: Mosey to hammock park. 20 Lt. Dans, 10 burpees, 20 shoulder taps, 20 monkey humpers, Dora set ( 50 pull ups, 200 murkins, 200 step ups to the blocks. Soccer
MARY: birthday burpees. Pancake and Kung fu panda
ANNOUNCEMENTS: convergence next Saturday in knightdale at 7am. Hubert assumes leadership role in a tense situation