AO: Armory (3/22/2023)
Pax: 9, including Ham, Gilmore, Jak-Jak, Chicken Hawk, Counterfeit, Thingamabob, Broken Promises (great handle, bro!), Pixie Trash (what was Counterfeit thinking?), and YHC.
Warmup included SSH (50 in cadence), Good Mornings (5), and Imperial Walkers (25).
Moseyed on over church front entrance for 10 count per Pax People’s Chair, 5 count per Pax balls-to-the-wall, and 10 count per PAX chill cut.
Moseyed, to the far corner of the parking lot (took 4 “breaks” to do 2×5 burpees and 2×20 LBCs) and set up for 7s: first set of merkins/squats and second set of wide-armed merkins/jump squats.
Moseyed to the rock pile and took a non-traveling rock to the B-ball court:
15 curls and then run to other side of court for 5 merkins
Shift over two rocks to the left, 10 over shoulder presses and then run to other side of court for 10 merkins
Shift over one rock to the left, 10 bent over rows and then run to other side of court for 15 merkins
Shift over one rock to the left, 10 tricep extensions and then run to other side of court for 20 merkins
Moseyed back to the flag (took 2 “breaks” to do 10 burpees and then 20 LBCs).
Set up in gazebo for 30 dips using picnic tables and then 20 urkins.
Back to the COT for Mary: 52 Homers-to-Marge in cadence (complaining was heard by some Pax but not by the Q)
Announcements (Roadside Trash Pickup this Saturday – reach out to Ham or Rio), Name-o-rama. Prayers for Elton’s Dad Felix in hospice, for friend of Chicken Hawk who lost her uncle, for Kitty Hawk’s employment search. That we would be relying on God who has the strength, not on ourselves. Recall that Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”