Backblast! David and Goliath
AO: Kblasts
Q: Kitty Hawk (Mike Ballard)
PAX: Chet Ripley (Elton Smith), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Little Dinghy (Jim Amy), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Kitty Hawk (Mike Ballard), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Jiffy Pop, Squirmy, PlayDo, Six Pack
FNGs: None
Count: 12
WARMUP: the usual stuff
THE THANG: Broke into 2 teams: short and tall. Competition of various modes of transportation with various exercises in between. About 10 rounds. In following the Biblical narrative, team David destroyed team Goliath. Burpees were the punishment.
MARY: Yes. With bday burpees for me.