Backblast! 80’s Metal
AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: Squeaks (Neal), Gilmore (Jim T), Matt (Squirmy), F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Homer (Scott Neuweg)
FNGs: None
Count: 8
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Willie Mayes Hayes, Sir fazios
1st sequence. 3 sets of 15 reps for each of the following
Kettle Swings
Goblet Squats
Heavy LSF (4ct)
In and outs (Renamed Steel Cross by Squeaks)
from a plank position. 1st, with the right arm, move the kettlebell forward, then back ↑↓. Then move the kettlebell laterally out and back → ←. Then, with the left arm, repeat the sequence. Each cycle is 1.
Completed 10 reps, then repeated.
2nd sequence. 3 sets of 15 reps for each of the following
Single-leg deadlifts (15 each leg)
Triceps extensions
Gas Pumpers
3rd sequence. 3 sets of 15 reps for each of the following
Lat Pulls (15 each side)
Bob-n-Weave (left side lunge, squat, right side lunge = 1)
American Hammers (L/R=1)
Fellowship lunch this Friday at Dave’s Hot Chicken
Oakwood 24 fundraiser Saturday (group rucking post-Farm)
Black Ops option Christmas morning (6am) at Steel Sanctuary
Jan 1 convergence at Quarantine