Backblast! And Breathe
AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), Gilmore (Jim T), Matt (Squirmy), Char-Grill (Pavlo)
FNGs: None
Count: 5
5 PAX indulged Green Thumb in a kettle workout he learned from a friend. Disclaimer provided it would be very lame or really suck.
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Good Mornings, Sir Fazios, and mozie around the parking lot.
Ascending kettle swings and deep breathing
Start with 1 kettle swing, followed by 1 DEEP breath. Then 2 swings and 2 deep breaths. Continue increasing reps until reaching 20 swings and 20 deep breaths. That’s 210 swings in total.
The original sequence called for climbing back down the ladder (20,19,…1), but Q wanted to try a different exercise at this point.
Audible to the following
20 kettle twisting lunges
20 Kettle squats with curls
5 Steel Crosses (see 12/18 backblast)
Farmers carry around island
Repeat this sequence once
March 1 The Mule
March 8 Roadside Cleanup
March 15 Convergence at Knightdale Station Park (Pot of Gold 5K) and dancing with the M’s.
March 22 Regional Rumble with Raleigh
Prayers for healing (Lucky and 10K)
Continued hope for peace in Ukraine
Praise for Globetrotters friend for SIZABLE donation for our Feminine February drive