Backblast! The Corral 1/2/2024 by Green Thumb
AO: Corral
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: Counterfeit (John Kinneer), F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), Prius – Ryan McCallum, Chicken Hawk (Tristan Maness), Shawn Carter, Covert (Downrange from ENC)
FNGs: None
Count: 7
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, & Sir Fazios
6 PAX welcomed “Covert” downrange from ENC to kickstart the new year with a 1-2-24 inspired workout. 1st, we got things moving with a ½ mile heavy-carry, then on to the main course.
PAX cycled through a 4-corner rotation with exercises and mode of travel change each set. Rucks and sandbags were carried throughout. Rep count was 12 (1st corner), 24 (2nd corner), 12 (3rd corner) , 24 (4th corner)
1st set: Deadlifts & suitcase carry
2nd set: Ruck merkins & bear hug carry
3rd set: Sandbag cleans & single shoulder carry
MARY: Heavy LSF, Heavy Homer to Marge (aka: screw your ruck), and Ruck J-Lo’s (never to be called again)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lunch Jan 19, City BBQ. Q Source being added post-quarantine workouts. Additional Q source sites coming to an OA near you (stay tuned for more info)
COT: Praise for Counterfiet’s new nephew and Jay-Z’s father-in-law (Ray) returning home from a month in the hospital.
Prayers for Officer Nix’s (Greensboro) family and those needing healing.