Backblast! Steel Sanctuary Soft Launch Pt. 1
AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Homer (Scott Neuweg), Menthol (Joel Cade), F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Spit Valve (Geoff), Billy Goat, Prius – Ryan McCallum, Isuzu (Seth), Crash Course (Robert Peters)
FNGs: None
Count: 11
Following warm-up, we got started with the first-ever Steel Sanctuary workout.
THANG 1: Dora
While one partner does rifle carry, the other partner does the following –
100 American Hammer (L-R=1)
200 KB Curls300 250 Kettlebell Swings
THANG 2: Ring of Fire Kettlebell Style
Get in Plank position with two PAX on opposite sides having equal weighted kettlebells. PAX with kettlebells do 5 one arm rows, starting with right first, then left, then pass kettlebell to the left. Repeat until the kettlebells return to the original spot.
Get in squat position next and repeat the process above except the exercise is a one arm squat press.
Staying in squat position next and repeat the process above except the exercise is a goblet squat
WW II.V – 20
Kettle Krunch – 20
Deadbug – 20
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prime Lunch today; Zinc House, July 26; Convergence and Picnic, July 27; Bruh Beatdown, Aug 9-10
Thank you gentlemen for allowing me to lead and for participating in the soft launch of Steel Curtain.