Backblast by Floppy Disk (Tom Neal) on 04/18/2024

Backblast! Sandbag strength

AO: Cup A Joe
Q: Floppy Disk (Tom Neal)
PAX: Bertie (Brian Drew), Homer (Scott Neuweg), Chicken Hawk (Tristan Maness)
FNGs: None
Count: 4

Willie May’s Hayes, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Standard Merkins, SSH
THE THANG: AMRAP – 6 sandbag burpees, 50 meter sandbag carry, 12 crucible merkins, 50 meter sandbag carry.
2 minutes sandbag cleans
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F lunch @ Prime BBQ tomorrow, WF Fest this Saturday, Meet In The Street May 4th
COT: Prayers for Homer’s son’s upcoming surgery, Roscoe P continued recovery.

Sandbag strength