Backblast by Elton (Tim) on 07/04/2024

Backblast! 1776 Patriot Challenge

AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Elton (Tim)
PAX: Billy Goat, Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), BTS Bales, Char-Grill (Pavlo), Chet Ripley (Elton Smith), Chicken Hawk (Tristan Maness), Counterfeit (John Kinneer), Cricket (Tal), Deductible(Jordan) , Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Flush (Clay Campbell), Gilmore (Jim T), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Ham (Chris Schafer), Josh Burton (jingle), Papi (Isaias Brito), Pierogi, Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), Six Pack (Matt Coombs), Spit Valve (Geoff), Stairway, Kelly Barnes, Stephen Beckstrand, Tarzan, Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Magic Spray, Marvel, Uncle Sam, Bed Pan, Dolly
FNGs: 2 Bed Pan, Dolly
Count: 34


Pledge of Allegiance
Star Spangled Banner performed flawlessly by Poncharello on bag pipes
SSH, Willie Mays Hayes, Sir Fazio F/R

Thang 1:
1776 yard run around Abbott’s Creek Facilities following shovel flags

Thang 2:
45 minutes to attempt 100 each of the following:
Merkins, Pull-Ups, SSH, Overhead Claps, Lunges, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Dips, Imperial Walkers (L/R=1), Plank Jacks, Hillbillies, Amer. Hammers (L/R=1), Step-Ups, American Nightclubs, WWIIs, Shoulder Taps (L/R=1)

Thang 3:
100 yard bear crawl
76 burpees – An audible was called to celebrate USA’s birthday by performing 248 burpees birthday style.

MARY: No time

Zinc house event with M’s – July 26th
F3 NE Wake Anniversary convergence – July 27th

Prayers for John W. for injuries following auto accident
Praise for Char-Grill acquiring US Citizenship

1776 Patriot Challenge