Backblast! Bike Inner Tube Time
AO: Farm
Q: Dowry (Derrick Wolfe)
PAX: Goose (Chuck Cline), Tendinitis (Ilia Kolosov), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Flush (Clay Campbell), Pawnee, Archie (Matthew Harding), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Spit Valve (Geoff), Papi (Isaias Brito), Phunny, Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Gilmore (Jim T), Pump Action (Kevin Marer), Buttermaker, Country Crock
FNGs: None
Count: 16 – 3 IR
Pledge of Allegiance
20 (Cadence) Side straddle hops
10 (Cadence) American Nightclubs
10 (3ct) Willie Mays Hayes
12 (Cadence) Sir Fazio arm circles, front and back
Downward Dog to Cobra
20 count Calf Stretch (L&R)
20 count Runner’s Stretch
20 count Wide Squat Groin Stretch
Mosey to Rolesville Elem
The Thang 1 Picnic Tables/Seat Wall
20 (Q-Up) Irkins.
20 (LR=1) Step-Ups (OYO)
20 (Q-Down) Derkins.
20 Bulgarian Squats (10L & 10R OYO)
20 (Q-Down) Dips
Mosey to Playground
The Thang 3 AMRAP Around Track Pair up in 3/4’s
Split (1) Partner goes to corner of track, (1) Stays & (1) Starts Run
1st Round
Corner 1:LBC Corner 2:Zebra Butt-Kicks
2nd Round
Corner 1:Travolta Merkins 2:Sumo Squats
3rd Round
Corner 1:WW1 2: Carolina Dry Docks
4th Round
Corner 1:WW2 2: Plank Jacks
Mosey to Wall
The Thang 2 Wall Time
60 Sec. Peoples Chair
50 Calf Raises
30 (SC) Balls to wall shoulder taps (OYO)
25 Calf Raises
10 Sec down the line Peoples Chair
Mosey to Field
The Thang 4
Lunges to 1/2 Field / High Knees to 1/2 Field
R-Struttle to 1/2 Field / L-Struttle to 1/2 Field
Partner Up – Grab Bike Tubes
Chariot Races down field swap partners and pull back
switch partners and repeat x2
Mosey to Flag
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Deacon training run (full route) at 7AM meet at Agogie, Deacon shirts arrive today, next Friday perry’s luncheon, Deacon fundraiser for Tri-Area Food Pantry Venmo to Green Thumb, Labor Day convergence at Quarantine, 9-11 stair climb Details to follow, Tendinitis and his wife offering dance classes in October.
COT: Dad’s successful surgery, Spit Valve’s Dad had a successful Pee after (3) months being on a catheter, Papi’s Dad (Big Papi) turning 73, Archie’s MIL. PAX being able to come out to the gloom and continuing.