Backblast by Deductible(Jordan) on 10/18/2024

Backblast! Strength days

AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Deductible(Jordan)
PAX: Chet Ripley (Elton Smith), Flush (Clay Campbell), Gilmore (Jim T), Ham (Chris Schafer), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Rosco P (Rich O’Donnell), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe)
FNGs: None
Count: 9


SSH, WMH, Good morning, merkins to press up, SL Homer to Marge


Partner: one runs(loop) one exercise with one KBs
Kb swings
SA snatch
Curl oh press to tricep ext
Side lunge, run with fwd/side shuffles/bkwd

Dora Strength: 15/12/8, one PAX with both KBs, one doing Mary’s:
suitcase deadlifts—ww2
Front raise chest press—-box cutters
single leg RDLs—mountain climbers
Bent over row—swimmers

2 rounds- all with KB: 30 sec on, 5 sec rest
Split squat heel on curb
Bicep curl burn
Apollo Anton ohnos
Oh tricep ext burn

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lunch at torchys, roadside cleanup tomorrow

COT: ruckers from Red Dawn joined up. Prayers for Oscar Myers’s family following loss, several others that I can’t remember but God knows! Thanks for letting me lead!

Strength days