Backblast! Buddy the Elf Visit
AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Counterfeit (John Kinneer)
PAX: Chet Ripley (Elton Smith), Counterfeit (John Kinneer), Deductible(Jordan) , Gilmore (Jim T), Homer (Scott Neuweg), Matt (Squirmy), Papi (Isaias Brito), Rosco P (Rich O’Donnell), Action, Buddy the Elf
FNGs: None
Count: 10
WARMUP: the usual suspects
We did one round of the following at 60 seconds each, followed by a mosey lap, followed by another round at 60 seconds each and a final mosey lap
Reverse lunges right leg- is kettlebell is in the right hand go back on the right leg
Reverse lunges left leg
Sumo squats – wide stance arm, straight holding kettlebell and squat
Kettlebell swing squat – do regular swing, followed by swing with squat
Burpee over kettlebell – do Burpee over the kettle bell and then pull it up to chest
Pullover crunch – on six with arms extended behind your head raise your arms up 90° over your chest and then do a crunch
Lateral lunge-Left arm row
Right arm merkins
Homer to Marge – arm, straight behind head and butt elevated take the kettlebell and bend one knee alternate
Left arm Merkins
Dead lift alternating left rightlunge press – wide stance legs pull the kettlebell up go into a reverse lunch and then press kettlebell over overhead
Around the world
ANNOUNCEMENTS: march 8 roadside cleanup, March 15 event and dancing with the stars, March 22 convergence Buddy the elf visiting us from Cape. Fear also told us about an event April 26 pretty neat to see the link
COT: prayers for Pappi’s in-laws, prayers for Homer‘s friend, prayers for tube tops, daughter.