Backblast! Track and Field
AO: Farm
Q: Boys 2 Men Scott Markel
PAX: Char-Grill (Pavlo), Chicken Hawk (Tristan Maness), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), EKG (Lee White), Globetrotter (Sean Smith), Homer (Scott Neuweg), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Papi (Isaias Brito), Paranoid (Nick C), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Spit Valve (Geoff), Squeaks (Neal), Tomahawk (Leo Brito Serafio), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Uggs (Brandon Bitner), Pump Action (Kevin Marer)
FNGs: None
Count: 17
Warm ups: SSH, Good mornings, Cerfazzios, and Willie Mays Hayes. Mosey over to soccer field.
That Thang: we did a track and field themed workout in honor of my daughter.
Event #1: 100 meter dash. We did 4 of these and after each run we did 20 merkins.
Event #2: 200 meter run. We did 2 of these and after each run we did 40 LBC’s in cadence.
Event #3: Long Jump or for us Burpee broad jumps for 50 yards.
Event #4: 4 by 100 relay. We separated into groups of 4 and I had 4 cones setup around the track with different exercises at each cone.
- Cone 1: we did over the shoulder toss with heavy sandbags. The first group did it for a minute and then moved on to cone 2.
- Cone 2: plank hold or squat hold until replaced by next group.
- Cone 3: curls for the girls or over head press w/coupons until replaced by next group.
- Cone 4: WWI’s or American Hammers until replaced by next group. We did this until you returned to your starting cone. A total of 1 lap.
Final event 400 meter run. We did this 2 times and after each lap we did 40 Flutter Kicks (L/R = 1).
We then moseyed back to the flag.
Announcements: cook off at Buds 3/8; 3/15 convergence at Dark knight followed by 5k Pot O gold run; later that night dancing with the M’s 3.0; 3/22 Raleigh Beatdown
Prayer go out to all in need.
Thank you for allowing me to lead.