Backblast by American Dad on 02/10/2025

Backblast! SuperBowl Go Eagles

AO: Dooley
Q: American Dad
PAX: Tarzan
FNGs: None
Count: 2

WARMUP: 40 burpees, SSH, Good morning, hillbillies, downward dog , runners stretch, plank and deep squat
THE THANG: morning call pull-ups,

Circuit Done twice
erkins 20 derkins 20 dips 20 Bulgarian squats 20 each side step ups 10 each side WW2 20
Coupons rocks 3 rounds 10 each
Overhead press
Tricep extensions
Bent over row
Kettlebell swings

MARY: American hammer, Freddy mercs, flutters, box cutters, outlaws, plank 1 minute
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lunch on Feb 14th and pot of gold 5 k
COT: prayers for those sick and sgt Hulka surgery