Backblast by Tube Top (Matt Boretti) on 05/21/2024

Backblast! Bandwidth – Tube Top – The KC30

AO: Bandwidth
Q: Tube Top (Matt Boretti)
PAX: Billy Goat, Thingamabob (Ariel), Pierogi, Spit Valve (Geoff), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Jay Z – Shawn, Melamine (Chad), Papi (Isaias Brito), Infidel (Josh Gentry), BTS Bales, F3 B and E, F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Patch Adams (Milton), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), Bean Counter (Coleman B.), Kubota (Brandon Long), Play-Doh (Josh Herring), Deductible(Jordan) , Derrick Thornton, Dr. Phil, Don’t Fix It
FNGs: None
Count: 22

Today Bandwidth hosted 22 PAX, where YHC introduced the KC30.
5 Willie Mays Hays
21 SSH
5 Good Mornings
21 Imperial Walkers
PAX moseyed to parking lot and partnered up and then were instructed on the Kenny Chesney Workout (KC30) For each pair, 1 PAX started with 30 merkins, while the other partner ran for 30 seconds (out 15 and back 15), then relieving their partner and doing their own set of 30 merkins. This continued, with decreasing by 1 merkin each time the partner was relieved and decreasing the run by 1 second each time, until we reached 1 merkin and a 1 second run. For those interested, the total Merkin count was 465. We planned to finish with Merkin 7’s, which would have brought our total Merkins to 521 to match the date of 5/21, but time ran out.
6/1 Brew Ruck
6/8 Road Clean Up
Juneteenth 7:15am workout at Brother’s Keeper
Patch Adams’ father-in-law and brother-in-law who both passed recently